
Modern slavery encompasses slavery, forced and compulsory labour, bonded or involuntary prison labour, and human trafficking whereby individuals are deprived of their freedom and are exploited for commercial or personal gain as enacted in the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Wilmot-Budgen are committed to a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and to acting with integrity in all its dealings, relationships, and supply chains. It expects the same high standards from all it's staff, suppliers, contractors, and those with whom it does business.

This policy applies to all employees, workers, consultants, and other persons doing business with Wilmot-Budgen including contractors and suppliers.

Wilmot-Budgen acknowledge the risk that a supply chain may involve the use of a hidden or unknown subcontractors reliant on forced labour. Although Wilmot-Budgen consider the risk of modem slavery to be low due to the nature of it's supply chains, it takes it's responsibilities to combat moden slavery seriously as demonstrated by it's promotion and adoption of the following policy measures:

  • The prevention, detection, and reporting of moden slavery in any part of it's business or supply chains is the responsibility of all those working for Wilmot-Budgen or under it's control.
  • Appropriate due diligence processes must be carried out in relation to moden slavery.
  • All supply chain lines need to be continually risk assessed and managed in relation to modern slavery and any high-risk suppliers audited.
  • Wilmot-Budgen encourage anyone to raise any concerns about modern slavery and will support anyone who acts in good faith.
  • Wilmot Budgen are committed to upholding human rights.
  • Wilmot Budgen will continue to develop it's commitment to combat moden slavery and will provide staff training where appropriate.

Child Labour

Wilmot-Budgen operate a 'No Child Labour Policy' based on the Company's commitment to find practical, meaningful and culturally appropriate responses to support the elimination of such labour practices. It has been formulated in consideration with the acts.

Wilmot-Budgen do not employ any person below the age of eighteen years at the workplace. Wilmot-Budgen prohibits the use of child labour and forced or compulsory labour. No employee is made to work against his/her will or work as bonded/forced labour, or subject to corporal punishment or coercion of any type related to work.

This policy is publicly available throughout the Company and clearly communicated to all employees in a manner in which it can be understood through induction programmes and policy manuals.

Employment contracts and other records, documenting all relevant details of the employees, including age, are maintained and are open to verification by any authorised personnel or relevant statutory body. The policy is implemented and overseen by the Managing Director who are responsible for recruitment and internal staff welfare.

Periodic assessment is conducted.

Action If Breached

Any breaches of these policies will result in Wilmot-Budgen taking disciplinary  action against individual(s) and/or terminating it's relationship with any organisation or supplier.

