Wilmot-Budgen gets greener with silver certification from Carbon Smart.
Wilmot-Budgen has just improved its green credentials with silver certification by Carbon Smart.
Friday, November 4, 2016

Carbon Smart follows the Green House Gas (GHG) Protocol produced by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). This methodology provides detailed guidance on emissions reporting.

It is a voluntary certification that evaluates how carbon-friendly a business is by measuring their gas and electricity consumption along with a range of other impacts such as waste generation, paper usage and the number of miles travelled by company vehicles. Environmental data is requested and measured to evaluate the level of impact the business has on the environment.

Wilmot-Budgen has been calculating its carbon footprint with Carbon Smart since 2011. For the last two years’ the company has been awarded the silver certification, up from the blue award, for upgrading and making major changes to their working environment, by investing in more environmentally efficient technologies as part of refurbishments to the site, by undertaking a site wide LED implementation project and by investing in electric vehicles for company use making them even more carbon-friendly.

The Carbon Smart accreditation compliments the environmental standards set by ISO 14001 which is required by many major organisations from their suppliers, including Wilmot-Budgen clients McDonald’s and The Body Shop.

According to Carbon Smart, “Embracing sustainability in your organisation provides an excellent opportunity for improving your business’ performance, enhancing your reputation and demonstrating environmental responsibility”.

Wilmot-Budgen aim to continue acting positively and proactively to further reduce their carbon footprint and impact on the environment.